Research and Development Zones in Turkey

Research and Development Zones in Turkey

At Ozbek CPA, we provide consultancy services in accordance with the Law on the Support of Research and Development Activities No 5746 and the Law on the Implementation and Supervision Regarding the Support of Research and Development Activities in the process of preparation of the R & D center application file to our taxpayers and after the receipt of the R & D center document.

Our legislation offers many tax advantages to taxpayers in order to increase the international competitive power of our country, to produce high value added products, to discover the investment potential and to eliminate the regional disadvantages.

The incentives related to this issue is provided under the legislation of R&D and technology development zones.

Some of our services under R&D and technology development zones are as follows:

Determining the incentives that can be utilized by evaluating existing activities within the framework of R&D and technology development zones,
Support and consultancy services for the preparation of the application file on R&D center, technology development zones and R&D project support,
  • Providing support for tax incentives and support conditions and accounting practices within the scope of Research and Development Zones in Turkey,
  • Perform periodic audits in line with the criteria set out in R&D and technology development zones legislation,
  • Control of the content and accounting of R&D expenditure and control of related declarations and reports,
  • Preparation of TÜBİTAK TEYDEP certified financial consultancy reports,
  • Calculation of R&D discount amount
  • Support for the preparation of the interim activity reports and annual activity report to the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology,
  • Providing support to the executive company and the reports submitted to the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology within the scope of the technology development zones.

Investment Incentives

Today, the investment environment that has been left to the initiative of the private sector with the abandonment of the system based on growth with government investments; especially in developing countries that have not been able to provide sufficient resources such as Turkey, are encouraged by the incentives provided by the governments.

Significant steps have been taken with incentive packages announced by the political will since the summer of 2016 in order to increase the attractiveness of Turkey’s investments both nationally and internationally. The latest incentives introduced by the Investment Incentive System, especially with attractive incentives given to the “Super Incentive Model” and “medium and high technology investments” which gives the Council of Ministers important authority, provide important support package opportunities for investors.

It is also difficult for investors to find the most appropriate incentive mechanism for them in an environment where the incentive legislation changes very rapidly and becomes increasingly complex.

If a number of incentive mechanisms coincide and any incentive is utilized for an investment made and it is thought that the opportunity to benefit from another incentive in the same subject is left behind; it is vital to choose the right incentive mechanisms for investors.

Therefore, following a general feasibility study on investment, it is now more important for investors to get support from a specialized team on all incentives for potential investment.

Our investment incentive legislation, which has been subject to change many times in order to adapt to economic dynamics, can provide the following incentives according to investment type:

  • Customs Tax Exemption,
  • VAT exception,
  • Reduced Corporate Tax,
  • Support for withholding income tax .
  • Insurance premium support for the employer,
  • Investment location,
  • Interest support,
  • VAT return
  • Social security premium incentive

Provision of the above incentives; it can become complicated because both the legislation is scattered and changed many times and the process enters the jurisdiction of multiple ministries.

Within this scope, we are giving support to the whole process in the scope of benefiting from state incentives of your investments.

International Taxation and Expat Services

You can reduce the most possible risks by making the tax analysis of the countries to be invested and operating correctly.

With the free circulation of capital and labor in the world, fulfillment of tax obligations not only in domestic but also internationally, in line with the legislation and optimization of tax burden has become more important every day.

Our consultancy services for foreign capital companies and employees working in Turkey as well as for Turkish capital companies and employees operating abroad provide the advantages of cost and time saving for companies. Thus, potential tax risks are largely avoided.

We can list the services we offer in the field of international taxation in the following way, thanks to our experience and experienced staff in the sector for many years:

  • Providing consultancy services to the entrepreneurs who want to establish business in Turkey or in foreign countries about the local business environment,
  • Establishment of companies, branches and liaison offices with foreign capital in Turkey,
  • Establishment of companies and branches abroad,
  • Consultation and support for the local legislation of foreign countries,
Determination of tax liabilities of companies and real persons within the scope of double taxation prevention agreements,
  • Establishment of tax-favorable structures for the activities to be carried out by investigating the tax legislation of the countries,
  • Providing consultancy and support during the international assignment of employees,
  • Preparation of real persons’ income tax statements, insurance and business reports and remuneration schedules.

Transfer Pricing Services

In today’s world, not only local but also international applications need to be followed closely.

 Transfer pricing arrangements have been introduced as a tax security facility to prevent companies from unfairly competing in the international arena and to avoid abuse of tax base in the purchase and sale of goods and services of group companies.

In parallel with the rise of multinational corporations and the development of international trade, transfer pricing has become one of the priorities of the Finance Ministries and all taxpayers of all countries.

According to the principle of fairness of transfer pricing, the prices applied by the group companies in the transactions carried out by each other must be parallel to the prices that unrelated companies apply in the same transactions.

According to the transfer pricing rules in force in Turkey, companies must prepare an annual transfer pricing report within certain limits and fill out the “Transfer Pricing, Foreign Invested Corporations and Form for Covered Capital” in the tax statements of corporations.

 Our transfer pricing team provides services :

Preparation of annual transfer pricing report
  • Preparation of “Master File” reports evaluating transactions between group companies in terms of transfer pricing,
  • The Company’s existing applications and contracts are evaluated within the framework of the transfer pricing provisions,
  • Reconstruction and establishment of a structure in accordance with transfer pricing provisions within the scope of new establishment activities,
Providing the Ministry of Finance with the management of the contracting process to the taxpayers who demand a forward pricing agreement on the transfer pricing method to be applied

  • Support services for completing the “Transfer Pricing, Form for Foreign Invested Corporations and Covered Capital” attached to the statements of corporation tax declaration,
  • Consultancy services on transfer pricing reviews to be carried out by the Ministry of Finance.


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