Gross To Net Salary Calculation Turkey


  1. Provide users with an accurate and easy-to-use tool for calculating net salary from gross salary.
  2. Ensure the calculator is up to date with the latest Turkish tax regulations and social security contributions.
  3. Integrate the calculator seamlessly into the existing WordPress website.


  • User Input: A simple form where users can enter their gross salary.
  • Calculation Logic: A backend script that calculates the net salary based on current tax brackets and contribution rates.
  • Results Display: A clear display of the calculated net salary, along with detailed breakdowns of income tax, social security contributions, and unemployment insurance.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Create a New Page Template:
    • Develop a new PHP file as a custom page template in the WordPress theme.
    • Include a form for user input and a script for performing the calculations.
  2. Form and Calculation Script:
    • The form will allow users to enter their gross salary.
    • The script will calculate the net salary based on predefined tax brackets and rates.
  3. Integration:
    • Integrate the new template into the WordPress admin panel, allowing it to be used for a new page.
    • Ensure the page is fully responsive and styled according to the existing website design.
  4. Testing and Validation:
    • Thoroughly test the calculator to ensure accuracy.
    • Validate the input and handle edge cases.
  5. Deployment:
    • Deploy the calculator to the live website.
    • Provide ongoing support and updates as necessary.

Gross to Net Salary Calculator for Turkey

The latest tax brackets for Turkey in 2024 are as follows:

  • Up to TRY 110,000: 15%
  • Over TRY 110,000 up to TRY 230,000: 20%
  • Over TRY 230,000 up to TRY 870,000: 27%
  • Over TRY 870,000: 35%

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