I. Documents Related to Contracts |
A.Documents including specific amount of money: |
1. Agreements, Commitment Letter and Letter of Conveyances |
0.00948 |
2. Rental Agreements (Over rental amount based on agreement period) |
0.00189 |
3. Bailbond, guarantee and other bonds |
0.00948 |
4. Special Agreements and Compromises |
0.00948 |
5. Terminations |
0.00189 |
6. Agreements for used car sales and ownership transfers |
0.00189 |
B.Documents not including specific amount of money: |
1. Special Agreements and Compromises |
89,10 TL |
2. Arbitration Agreements |
89,20 TL |
3. Quota Agreements signed between Tourism Entities and Travel Agencies (including the ones with specific amount of money) |
500,80 TL |
II. Decisions and Mandates |
1. Mandates given by Parliament and assemblies and mandates issued by Council of State and Referee decisions on court decrees and resolutions |
a) Including specific amount of money |
0.00948 |
b) Not including specific amount of money |
89,10 TL |
2. All tender decisions of government agencies subject to tender rules and/or not subject to tender rules |
0.00569 |
III. Documents Used for Trade Transactions |
1. Trade Bonds |
a) Commodity Bonds |
aa) Warehouse Receipt |
30,70 TL |
ab) Warrant |
18,10 TL |
ac) İyda Bond |
2,90 TL |
ad) Bill of Lading |
0,80 TL |
b) Airway Bill |
18,10 TL |
c) Seaway Bill |
0.00948 |
d) Liens, Property Bonds |
0.00948 |
2. Trade Documents |
a) Country of Origin Documents |
30,70 TL |
b) Balance Sheets and Company Account Summaries submitted to Government Agencies and banks |
ba) Balance Sheets |
68,70 TL |
bb) Profit and Loss Tables |
32,90 TL |
bc) Company Account Summaries |
32,90 TL |
c) Consignment Notes |
2,90 TL |
d) Autheticated Manifest Copies |
13,40 TL |
e) Shipping Instructions |
0,80 TL |
f) Summary Declarations provided to Customs |
13,40 TL |
IV. Receipts and Other Documents |
1. Recreipts |
a) Receipts provided by individuals for payments made by Government Offices for purchases of goods and services. |
0.00948 |
b) Receipts for salary, fee, daily payment, monthly fee, bonus, food, per diem, severance and any similar payments. |
0.00759 |
c) Receipts to monies borrowed or bonds in this nature |
0.00759 |
d) Receipts issued for payments made to individuals by Enforcement Offices on behalf of Government Agencies |
0.00759 |
2. Declarations (Only one copy is subject to tax): |
a) For each delivery item included on the lists provided by post offices to Customs related to the deliveries made from foreign countries |
0,80 TL |
b) Tax Declarations |
ba) Annual Income Tax Declarations |
89,10 TL |
bb) Corporate Tax Declarations |
119,00 TL |
bc) VAT Declarations |
31,50 TL |
bd) Withholding Declarations |
58,80 TL |
be) Other Tax Declarations (excluding stamp tax declarations) |
58,80 TL |
c) Declarations submitted to Customs |
119,00 TL |
d) Delcarations submitted to municipalities and special city offices |
43,70 TL |
e) Social Security Premium Declarations submitted to SSA Offices |
43,70 TL |
f) Only for withholding declaration when they are submitted together with social security premium declarations electronically |
69,70 TL |
3. Summaries, copies and translations of documents in this table with values over 1,00 TL which are subject to tax. |
0,80 TL |